
How to know the Love in your Relationship is Going Down

Relationships have their ups and downs and for anyone who has been in several relationships, I believe you know those signs that indicate the love in your relationship is going down. Sometimes it gets to a point in every relationship where you begin to doubt the love you have for your partner for so many reasons. For the novices and for those who may not know, here is a perfect opportunity to learn about it. Often times you wonder why your partner acts the way he or she does and one reason behind that is the level of love in that relationship. Is the love in your relationship on the increase or is it declining? Those signs are: You lack interest: How to know the Love in your Relationship is Going Down If you find yourself gradually losing interest in your partner then the love in your relationship is probably decreasing. If you notice that you seem less interested in things that matter to him or her then you are probably fallin

Three Significant signs of a cheating partner in a relationship

The one thing that most people dread finding out is that their beloved partner has been cheating on them. Not only does this destroy life as they know it but it also affects their trust in people and makes them feel betrayed, unloved, and disrespected. Signs Your Partner May be Cheating While hearing that your partner has been cheating is never good, one thing that some people find even worse is suspecting they are cheating but not being sure. Being stuck in this type of limbo can be soul destroying for the partner that is being cheated on. There are some signs that could help you to determine whether your partner is likely to be cheating or not. It is not worth losing trust in your partner unless you are pretty sure there is something going on, as many people have made mistakes in the past and relationships have been destroyed as a result. This is why it is worth looking at some key signs that could indicate your partner is cheating. What are the signs? One of the signs

10 Tips To Dating A Shy Girl Successfully

Dating a shy girl could be one of the most frustrating endeavors you would ever undertake before you finally settle down with your dream girl. I should know. But at the same time, when you hit it off with her, it could be one of the most rewarding relationships you’d ever have before  embarking on a journey of marital bliss. That is assuming you went through several affairs to be able to do a fair comparative analysis. On the average, most girls you meet for the first time come across as shy and a bit withdrawn. But you’d find out later, if you play the dating scene a lot, that the real shy girls are a class apart. I’ll never forget Tonia. At first, she couldn’t even bear the thought of talking with a guy publicly. It took me a long time. But we finally got together. She wasn’t the last though. Generally, one of the best things about dating a shy girl is they are completely loyal to you. The idea of been unfaithful to you hardly ever crosses their minds. So when you are

How To Toast A Girl You Really Love

There are times I absolutely feel that one of the best life aids that should be given to all young men is a pamphlet (or a huge book) titled, ‘ How to toast a girl you already know. ‘ Because let’s face it, most of the girls we meet or consider interesting enough to toast are girls we already know. Therein lies the problem. How do you toast a girl you already know? Some so called experts would tell you it is easier to toast a stranger than a girl you already know. I don’t know where they get that idea from though. I admit it can be very awkward to want to move things up another level with that girl you see many times a week. You know the sort I am talking about? She could be a friend to your sister; a colleague at the office; or the attractive well-toned babe always using the exercise bike at the gym everyday who is friendly with you. Fact is, over 90% of the time, the girls we really get attracted to are girls we already know. The problem is, how to seamlessly tr

7 Signs You’re In Lust And Not In Love

7 Signs You’re In Lust And Not In Love - I’m preparing to move to Paris for about a year or so. One of the major things this involves is getting rid of stuff that I should have tossed forever ago, but just haven’t yet. While tossing clothes and shoes is emotional enough in its own right, what’s really killing me the most is my “box of yesterday.” True to its name, my “box of yesterday” is a nightmare collection of things from past relationships. I say nightmare, because who saves receipts from Brooklyn Bowl because it has an ex-boyfriend's name on it? This gal. Who thinks it’s necessary to keep shreds of a ripped T-shirt from a wrestling match after too many martinis? Me, obviously. The project of weeding through these things and deciding which is reasonable to keep and which solidifies me as a straight-up lunatic has forced me to face a fact: My last relationship, if we can even call it that, wasn’t love at all. Of course, at the time I was convinced it was love, as we all te

Is it Love…or Just Sex? Here’s How to Know

Is it Love…or Just Sex? Here’s How to Know - Here’s a common scenario: You meet someone new, and one look is all it takes to light the fuse of sexual fireworks. You can barely keep your hands off each other — and the excitement of it all feels like falling in love. But is it  really ? Can simple lust masquerade as something more? Is it possible to spot the absence of real romance soon enough to avoid making a bad investment? The answer to these questions is “yes.” It’s easy to mistake the explosive chemistry of physical attraction with long-term romantic potential. But if you’re willing to honestly assess your actions and feelings, it’s also not hard to recognize the truth. Your attraction is more physical than emotional.  What was the first thing about your partner to catch your attention? Was it his or her sense of humor, or an act of kindness you observed? Or was it their fashion-magazine appearance and manner? There’s nothing wrong with looking good, or with appreciat

5 Reasons She Might End Up In Another Man’s Bed

5 Reasons She Might End Up In Another Man’s Bed And your behaviour might be behind some of them Cheating  is complicated, and no one incident is going to force her into another man’s bed. But there are some specific things that might make her more likely to go home with that other guy instead of sticking with you. That’s what a survey from online pharmacy Superdrug Online Doctor in the U.K. found, after they asked 2,000 Americans and Europeans to spill what’s most likely to make them stray. So what’s going on? If her ego suffers as a result of these behaviours, she might be tempted to look elsewhere to build herself back up—before she even considers the consequences of what she’s doing, says relationship therapist Dr. Paul Hokemeyer. The good news is, many of the triggers are well within your control. The bad news is, you might already be doing them. So while there isn’t really any way to predict for sure if she’ll be faithful, there are some clear-cut signs that she’s not ha

6 Things You Should Avoid Before Having Intercourse With Each Other - Must Read

6 Things You Should Avoid Before Having Intercourse With Each Other As an experienced lady in the sack, you've probably become more comfy with your body, and rock moves that would make younger you slow clap—but even the savviest women can make pre-sex mistakes. And those unforeseen errors can morph an otherwise ah-mazing romp into an experience fit for a therapist's couch. From protecting yourself against STDs to avoiding dry lady parts and embarrassing farts, here are six pre-sex no-nos you may want to take under consideration before your next roll in the hay. 1. TAKING AN ANTIHISTAMINE Antihistamines work by drying out your mucus membranes to relieve nasal congestion... and in doing so, can also dry out other parts of your body, especially the vagina, says Nicole E. Williams, M.D., board-certified gynecologic surgeon. Long story short, no matter how turned on you might be, your vag will  not  get the memo. 2. EATING SPICY FOODS "Foods can affect